Mori Seiki Vertical 1035 ECO

The Mori Seiki Vertical 1035 Eco is a high-performance milling machine that offers exceptional flexibility and efficiency to customers. This equipment is capable of producing complex parts and components with remarkable speed and accuracy. The Mori Seiki Vertical 1035 Eco is equipped with Renishaw probing, which allows for accurate measurement and inspection of parts and components during the milling process. This feature ensures that the final product meets the exact specifications of the customer, reducing the risk of errors and minimizing waste. Having this equipment in-house allows ACMF to provide faster turnaround times and more cost-effective solutions to their customers. By partnering with ACMF, customers can benefit from the latest technology and expertise, resulting in high-quality products that meet their exact specifications.


  • High-speed machining

  • Large work envelope

  • User-friendly interface

  • 12,000 RPM

  • 1,000 PSI Coolant Thru Spindle

  • 40″ (X) x 22″ (Y) x 20″ (Z) Travel Size


Mitsubishi ML4020 RX-F80 Kilowatt Fiber Laser


Haas Vertical VF9